At the New Orleans Independent Film Festival (NOIFF), our team is driven by a deep passion for cinematic art and a commitment to supporting independent filmmakers. We work tirelessly to create an inclusive, vibrant platform where filmmakers from around the world can showcase their creativity, share their stories, and engage with audiences who appreciate bold, unconventional storytelling.
Emma Collins
 Known for her keen eye for innovative storytelling, Emma oversees the festival's creative direction, ensuring a diverse and impactful selection of films that resonate with audiences. 
James Baker
His expertise in technology ensures the festival maintains high standards of professionalism and reliability.
Her goal is to connect the festival with Sydney’s vibrant arts community, organizing interactive events, workshops, and panels that allow audiences to engage directly with filmmakers and artists.
Sophie Bennett
Liam O'Connor
He is dedicated to finding fresh talent from around the globe and providing them with a platform to be seen and heard.
Carlos Mendes
Carlos Mendes is a seasoned marketing professional who specializes in promoting film and art events.
Fatima El-Sayed is passionate about building an enthusiastic volunteer team to support the festival. 
 Fatima El-Sayed